

Sparrowhawk Sparrowhawk 04/02/07

Snowman Snowman 08/02/07

Mouse Mouse 11/02/07

Wedding Wedding 16/02/07

Night time view from our hotel window NYC at Night 23/02/07

Lower Manhattan from Brooklyn Manhattan 19/02/07

Sparrowhawk Sparrowhawk 25/03/07

Sparrowhawk Sparrowhawk 25/03/07

Lawn Mower and Leaf Blower Petrol Engines 08/04/07

Sparrow Sparrow 08/04/07

Frisbee Dublin Frisbee 14/04/07

The Liffey The Liffey 14/04/07

The Liffey The Liffey 14/04/07

Spike Dublin Spike 14/04/07

Spike Dublin Spike 14/04/07

Trinity College Trinity College 14/04/07

Tram Dublin Tram 14/04/07

Swansea Swansea 02/05/07

Table Table 05/05/07

Neil And Kris in Garden Neil And Kristen 05/05/07

Woodpecker Woodpecker 14/05/07

Yellowhammer Yellowhammer 16/05/07

Woodpecker Another Woodpecker 18/05/07

Bunny Bunny 20/05/07

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